Michael Burry, 'The Big Short', coloca tudo em risco: prelúdio de uma nova crise financeira? (2024)

Ter 15 de agosto de 2023 ▪3min de leitura ▪ porFenelon L.

O renomado trader “The Big Short”, Michael J. Burry, retorna aos holofotes financeiros, abrindo posições massivas de baixa alavancada no mercado de ações.Desta vez, ele está apostando 93% de seu portfólio na queda dos índices de ações, uma mudança que lembra sua previsão vitoriosa da crise de 2008.Estamos à beira de outra tempestade financeira?

Michael Burry, 'The Big Short', coloca tudo em risco: prelúdio de uma nova crise financeira? (1)

Burry aposta massivamente no lado negativo: 93% de seu portfólio em jogo!

No mundo financeiro, o nome de Michael Burry ressoa com ecos de previsões ousadas anteriores, principalmente sua previsão da crise de 2008, imortalizada no filme "The Big Short".

Hoje, uma verdadeira onda de choque abalou os mercados de ações: Michael Burry supostamenteimplantadoUS $ 1,6 bilhão em posições curtas alavancadas.Essa injeção maciça representa 93% de todo o seu portfólio.Especificamente, ele alocou US $ 890 milhões para os puts de US $ SPY e US $ 740 milhões a $ QQQ.

É difícil ignorar o sinal de Burry, especialmente devido ao seu histórico de sucesso preditivo.Quase metade, 51%, de suas apostas de baixa, estão ligadas ao Índice de $ SPY, enquanto os 42% restantes estão em $ QQQ.Essa estratégia, que aposta em um declínio no mercado, levanta questões intrigantes sobre o estado atual e futuro da economia.

A sombra do passado aparece grande e evocando memórias do acidente de 2008.O paralelo com seu sucesso anterior é surpreendente: a história se repetirá ou o contexto atual oferece novas nuances?Os mercados estão divididos entre perplexidade e antecipação.

Just IN: Michael Burry abriu grandes posições curtas alavancadas no mercado de ações.

Atualmente, 93% do portfólio de Michael Burry é índices de mercado curto.A última vez que ele fez uma grande aposta como essa foi com sua famosa previsão de recessão de 2008.pic.twitter.com/YyQClF5O6e

- Whalewire (@WhaleWire)14 de agosto de 2023

Interpretações de uma posição enigmática do mercado de ações

Especialistas financeiros estão se envolvendo em interpretações divergentes desses movimentos, que estão fazendo as rondas nas redes sociais.Alguns vêem o início de uma crise semelhante à crise do subprime de 2008, que abalou os fundamentos do sistema bancário.

Qualquer que seja a opinião de alguém, esses sinais deixam pouco espaço para dúvidas, especialmente com os precursores de uma possível crise já perceptível.De fato, as falências em cascata das principais instituições bancárias dos EUA, como Silvergate e Silicon Valley Bank, são evidências claras disso.

Em conclusão, o anúncio das enormes posições de baixa tomada por Michael Burry desperta memórias do passado enquanto lançava a sombra de umnova crise.Os mercados estão em uma encruzilhada, navegando entre incerteza e ansiedade.Poderíamos estar à beira de outro "grande curto"?

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Michael Burry, 'The Big Short', coloca tudo em risco: prelúdio de uma nova crise financeira? (2)

Fenelon L.

    Apaixonado por Bitcoin, eu gosto de explorar os meandros de blockchain e criptos e compartilho minhas descobertas com a comunidade.Meu sonho é viver em um mundo onde a privacidade e a liberdade financeira são garantidas para todos, e acredito firmemente que o Bitcoin é a ferramenta que pode tornar isso possível.


    Os pontos de vista, pensamentos e opiniões expressos neste artigo pertencem apenas ao autor e não devem ser tomados como conselhos de investimento.Faça sua própria pesquisa antes de tomar decisões de investimento.

    Michael Burry, 'The Big Short', coloca tudo em risco: prelúdio de uma nova crise financeira? (2024)


    What did Michael Burry discover in The Big Short? ›

    The film "The Big Short" chronicled Burry's successful 2008 stock market crash prediction. As the founder of Scion Capital, he foresaw the impending collapse of the housing bubble in the late 2000s, a calamity that significantly impacted the economy.

    What is the concept of The Big Short? ›

    "The Big Short" introduces viewers to the concept of a housing bubble, where home prices soared to unsustainable levels. Real estate professionals need to be vigilant in identifying such bubbles to avoid investments that may be at risk when the bubble bursts.

    Do applicants get rejected for loans in The Big Short? ›

    9. Yes, applicants can be rejected from loans if they do not meet lending criteria or if they have a poor credit history. 10. The dancer owns five houses because she was able to take out multiple subprime mortgages due to her income being misrepresented by a mortgage broker.

    How did Michael Burry lose his eye? ›

    Michael lost his left eye to cancer when he was a child, and was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome as an adult—which might partly explain why he has always been able to see things from a different vantage point in the world of Wall Street.

    What is Michael Burry investing in 2024? ›

    What stocks is Michael Burry investing in 2024? Based on the latest 13F filings, some of Michael Burry's top holdings in 2024 include Alibaba (BABA), JD.com (JD), HCA Healthcare (HCA), Oracle (ORCL), and Citigroup (C).

    Why is The Big Short so good? ›

    The Big Short approaches a serious, complicated subject with an impressive attention to detail -- and manages to deliver a well-acted, scathingly funny indictment of its real-life villains in the bargain.

    Can someone explain The Big Short? ›

    The Big Short describes several of the main players in the creation of the credit default swap market who sought to bet against the collateralized debt obligation (CDO) bubble and thus ended up profiting from the financial crisis of 2007–08.

    Who benefited from The Big Short? ›

    Michael Burry made $100 million by predicting the housing market crash in The Big Short. Mark Baum, based on Steve Eisman, earned $1 billion from the market crash depicted in the film. Jared Vennett, based on Greg Lippmann, made $47 million from swap sales as shown in the movie.

    How much did Mark Baum make? ›

    Summary. Michael Burry made $100 million by predicting the housing market crash in The Big Short. Mark Baum, based on Steve Eisman, earned $1 billion from the market crash depicted in the film. Jared Vennett, based on Greg Lippmann, made $47 million from swap sales as shown in the movie.

    Can I reject a loan after applying? ›

    Can You Apply for a Loan and Not Accept It? Yes. If a lender has approved your application for a personal loan, you're not required to take it. This is an important distinction from credit cards, where your account is opened immediately upon approval.

    What happens if I get approved for a loan but don't use it? ›

    And that's fine -- as long as you keep up with the monthly payments as agreed. If it's an unsecured personal loan (meaning no collateral was involved), most lenders don't care what you do with the funds. However, a debt consolidation loan is an exception, because it was granted for a specific purpose.

    How much did Michael Burry actually make? ›

    Michael Burry is an investor who profited from the subprime mortgage crisis by shorting the 2007 mortgage bond market, making $100 million for himself and $700 million for his investors.

    What does Michael Burry do today? ›

    Michael Burry, made famous in "The Big Short," now runs Scion Asset Management. In Q4 2023, he opened new positions in Amazon and Alphabet. Investors can learn from Burry, but shouldn't blindly follow his moves.

    How much is Michael Burry worth? ›

    Burry's current net worth is estimated to be somewhere near $300 million. Burry's investment philosophy is firmly grounded in the principles of value investing, a strategy advocated by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd in their influential book, “Security Analysis".

    What did Michael Burry notice? ›

    His research on the values of residential real estate convinced him that subprime mortgages, especially those with "teaser" rates, and the bonds based on these mortgages, would begin losing value when the original rates were replaced by much higher rates, often in as little as two years after initiation.

    How did Michael Burry know about the market crash? ›

    His meticulous analysis of mortgage lending practices and bank balance sheets revealed the inherent risks in the market, accurately foreseeing the impending collapse as early as 2007.

    What did Mark and his employees find out during their trip to Florida? ›

    When Mark Baum's staff went to Miami to check out the housing market, what did they find? Answer: Half built housing developments that were past due on their mortgage payments and were being leased out.

    How did Michael Burry learn to invest? ›

    He's a licensed (but not practicing) physician. While in medical school, Burry invested in stocks and discussed his picks on the Silicone Investor website. He developed a good reputation due to his successful stock picks and decided to start his own hedge fund, Scion Capital, in 2000.


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